
Showing posts with label ancestorfuturism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ancestorfuturism. Show all posts

Saturday, August 26, 2023

The Damon Family Reunion 1896

Summer of 1896 in Charlotte, Maine, many Damon family members met together for a reunion, seen below and colorized with artificial intelligence.

In the summer of 1896, the Damon family orchestrated a memorable reunion at their time-honored farm nestled within the scenic environs of Charlotte, Maine. The journey to the estate was a delightful procession, with the family members arriving in horse-drawn carriages that meandered through the picturesque countryside. The rhythmic trot of horses against the rustic roads invoked a sense of nostalgia, evoking memories of bygone days.

Once assembled at the family farm, the air was charged with an atmosphere of conviviality and shared history. Classic outdoor games such as croquet graced the lawn, eliciting both friendly competition and laughter. The tranquil pond on the property invited members to explore its waters aboard boats, fostering moments of relaxation and connection amidst nature's splendor.

As the sun set, the family congregated beneath the sprawling canopy of an ancient oak tree, the same that had witnessed generations of their kin. Anecdotes about their forebears were recounted, intermingling historical facts with cherished family legends, weaving a tapestry that bound the present to the past.

A sumptuous dinner awaited them, served within a grand tent adorned with a tasteful fusion of Victorian elegance and modern comforts. The meal showcased an amalgamation of timeless Victorian recipes and contemporary culinary delights, symbolizing the harmonious blend of heritage and innovation.

As the evening unfolded, discussions blossomed within the familial circle, spanning a range from thought-provoking philosophical explorations to captivating visions of what lay ahead. The gathering of intellects interwove strands of contemplation regarding the prevalent zeitgeist with reflections on their own time and place. The dialogues seamlessly intermingled reflections on Victorian ideals and aspirations, fusing the spirit of their era with insightful contemplations on their immediate reality.

Under the vast expanse of the night sky, a bonfire was kindled, casting dancing shadows and a warm glow upon the faces of the kinfolk. The crackling flames symbolized not only the endurance of the Damon lineage but also the perpetual renewal of connections that transcended time.

As the reunion concluded, the Damon family departed the farm with hearts enriched by the shared experiences of the weekend. The event had fortified the bonds that tied them to their past while instilling a collective sense of anticipation for the uncharted terrain of the future. In the aftermath of the gathering, the echoes of laughter, conversations, and cherished moments reverberated in the air, etching this reunion into the annals of the family's history.


Sunday, December 11, 2022


Baktun8 by jayelynn damon technoshaman001 + midjourney

BAKTUN 8 - Time Traveller's from the Future

    As the sun rose over the ancient Mayan pyramids, a group of extraterrestrial beings emerged from a shimmering portal in the sky. They descended upon the ancient ruins, their advanced technology a stark contrast to the primitive world around them.
The beings were transhumans, advanced human beings from the distant future who had mastered the art of time travel. They had come back to the year, also known as Baktun 8 in the Mayan calendar, in order to study the ancient civilization and learn from its wisdom.
The transhumans were greeted with awe and reverence by the Mayans, who believed them to be gods. The transhumans, in turn, were fascinated by the Mayans and their advanced knowledge of astronomy and mathematics.
Baktun8 by jayelynn damon technoshaman001 + midjourney
Over the course of several months, the transhumans and the Mayans formed a close bond. The transhumans shared their advanced technology with the Mayans, teaching them how to build more accurate calendars and develop better agricultural techniques.
But as time passed, the transhumans grew increasingly concerned about the fate of the Mayan civilization. They knew that in just a few centuries, the civilization would be devastated by a series of natural disasters and foreign invaders.
Baktun8 by jayelynn damon technoshaman001 + midjourney
Unable to change the course of history, the transhumans decided to leave the Mayan civilization in peace and return to their own time. But before they left, they vowed to return to Baktun 8 once again, to continue learning from the wisdom of the ancient civilization.
And so, the transhumans disappeared back into the portal, leaving the Mayan pyramids behind, but taking with them the knowledge and understanding they had gained from their time in the past. 
by GPT3 + technoshaman001
Baktun8 by jayelynn damon technoshaman001 + midjourney

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Thanatos to Hyperion

Techn0shaman interviews Miss Metaverse - Katie

techn0shaman:  This is rather interesting, I am usually the interviewee but this time around I thought it would be really great to interview the internets favorite female futurist! Miss Metaverse! She is so lovely, Katie has been an excellent source of futuristic content for the better half of a decade now and her impressive list of accomplisments + her amazing personality has really made this interview special. I am so happy to have had to chance to sit down [virtually] and get to know her thoughts on some burning questions I had to ask!

"Hey Katie, it's such an honor to sit down and be able to connect with you on such an important day, in what has turned out to be a chaotic year! We have been friends for quite some time now, and last time we got together was for VRTO 2020 - Now that we are approaching All Hallow's eve, I was thinking of some things that have to do with family.

Samhain is the time of year in which the veil between this side of the yawning grave and the Summerlands is the thinnest. It is now that we honor our ancestors, the spirits of family and friends that have crossed over the rainbow bridge continue to guide us and reach across the dimensions of time. Genealogy - the science and technology of family lineage is something that is exponentially accelerating because of the democratization of genetic technologies - when we propagate this technology forward 20 years to 2040, the possibilities that will be available to us in the coming years are really exciting!

When you think about your ancestors and your strong family lineage and the power of the hundreds of thousands of years of hard work and determination that got you to where you are today, do you ever wonder what your great grandmother x10 was like and how she lived her life? - I would love to get to know my ancestors - with the complete understanding of genetics we will have the possibility to fuse that technology with 3D bioprinting, or nanomachines that could potentially simulate the exact biological code of our past of beloved families."

"Katie: Our generation, the Millennials, are the first to have our digital lives stored online forever. We’re using genealogy websites, cord blood banking / stem cells, and DNA testing to find out who we are and where we came from, but  many mysteries remain.

Emerging technologies and industries like AR / VR / MR, synthetic biology, and nanotech (nannites), are evolving exponentially and will allow us to time travel in the present. 

Technological resurrection is the future and will take many forms. It will also be wildly entertaining. I look forward to the day I can step into a holodeck and spend an afternoon hanging out with my ancestors, exploring their world, and even becoming a part of it."

techn0shaman: "In the future when it is possible to bring people back, humans and AI will be faced with the moral dilemma of deciding on whether or not it is right to do so. Do you think in a post resource scarcity society we will bring back our ancestors, digitally and/or physically?"

Katie: "When most people think about the ways in which we may one day be able to bring the dead back to life, they probably think of techniques like cloning or DNA sequencing. The problem with these is that they would be essentially bringing a new human into the world, without their knowledge and experiences. 

Cryonics companies have only been around for a few decades and it’s uncertain how successful this method will be in bringing deceased people back to life in the future. 

Emerging technologies such as AI and VR will be the first steps towards this future. It’s likely we’ll meet or interact with our ancestors based on digital models in VR well before we’ll interact with them in the physical. I predict that by 2050, we will find the right balance between both digital and physical experiences.

Now is a good time to start considering the moral implications of engaging with controversial figures from history, whether in a digital space or IRL. If they’re experienced in a controlled simulated realm, then we’d view them as advanced video game characters, as harmless NPCs. Let’s keep them that way."

techn0shaman: "Ancestors, obviously are not only human, we have many many animal ancestors in our lineage too. Farther back in history before we were human, and more recently as friends and coworkers, family, and pets. We have a very close connection to the non human entities that surround us - With the likelihood of the possibility of bringing back and our animal ancestors - what is the thing you are looking forward to the most in regards to being able to connect to pets and friends that have crossed over?" 

Katie: "Both of my parents died by the time I was 21. I’ve also lost several loved ones over the years. Even though they are gone, I still feel like I can connect with them, even if it’s a daydream of a conversation I’d be having with them. 

I often think about what it would be like to meet my parents in some future virtual or physical experience. I like to believe they’re in Heaven, a higher realm full of love and blissfulness. 

In the meantime, I’d love to know what my dog Kitty is thinking. She’s a tiny fluffy teacup Pomeranian (aged 9) and she has such a personality. I would totally have Kitty technologically resurrected one day, you know, for science."

techn0shaman: "Generational wisdom is something that comes to mind when I think about my ancestors, the knowledge they had, the experiences they went through, and the beliefs and ideologies they held. I would love to be able to communicate and learn from my family going back thousands of years, I’m sure I could teach them a thing or two as well :P Katie - how do you think family life will change if we were to bring our ancestors into the future with us - what do you think they would find the most shocking about being able to be brought back from the otherside?"

Katie: “Our lives are not our own. we are bound to others, past and present. And by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future.” - Somni 451

Have you ever watched the movie Cloud Atlas? This discussion reminds me of that film.

I’d love to meet my ancestors and experience their realities. I’d want to learn all about what their lives were like and what the world was like during their lifetime. 

I often think about what it would be like if my parents could see how far we’ve come even in the past 15 years, before smart phones, social media and the faster and much more advanced internet. To have my ancient ancestors visit us in the future would be a trip!"

For more information on Miss Metaverse you can check our her podcast series called "NuHumanity" which you can learn more about here: and (relaunching soon)

Friday, October 30, 2020

Healing Ancestral Trauma - Connecting to our Family

 Healing Ancestral Trauma - Connecting to our Family

Samhain Ritual 2020

Damon Family Ancestor Tree on Samhain 2020

Ritual Written

by Priestess Celestina Aurora Madry and technoshaman001

Start by singing to raise energy as we form our circle.

Handmaiden Sweep

The besom is used to sweep out all residual and negative energy from the space.

“Broom arise from where you stand and be a besom in my hand, 

Ash and Rod and Willow brush, 

powers of day and night you touch, 

Equal parts  Moon and Sun are held by you and shaped as one, 

that sacred balance may kept as round and round the circle swept, blend the day with peaceful night, 

blend the darkness with the light, sweep in help and tranquil calm, sweep out all that causes harm, 

with each stroke, each bristles sway, all things profane are swept away, and time is banished from 

this place, till not remains but sacred space, to welcome in the ancient ones, with this pass my 

sweep is done, so mote it be”

Elemental Purifications

When purifying with the elements you are preparing the space that has been cast ready for 

the presence of the elements in a more pure form than we normally find them.


“With the sweet Air of life, do I bless and make sacred a fitting place within this our circle, for

 the Guardians of the East and the rites of Life that we shall herein perform, So mote it be”


“With the bright flame of light, do i bless and make sacred a fitting place within this our circle, 

for the Guardians of the South and rights of Light we shall herein perform, so mote it be”


“With the pure waters of Love, do I bless and make sacred a fitting place within this our circle, 

for the Guardians of the West and the rites of love we shall herein perform, So mote it be”


“With the firm salt of law, do i bless and make sacred a fitting place within this our circle, for 

the Guardians of the North and the rites of law we shall herein perform, so mote it be”

Wine Blessing

The wine blessing is bringing the ritual to the creation of everything, it is the Big band told

 in microcosm.

The Chalice represents the Goddess, Earth, Water, a solid object containing liquid

The Athame represents the God, Air and Fire.

Priestess: Kneels and lifts Chalice

“By this I summon yee, O Ancient ones, Bless yee this wine and Infuse it with thy limitless

Love let it become for thy Children, the life blood that Flows in all things,

the manifested essenscense of The blessed elements”

Priest: Lays the athame across the chalice

“The Male holds the power and is the reservoir of the power”

Priestess: “The Female taps the power in him and channels it”

Priestess & Priest: “Neither one can work without the other, one without the other is incomplete”

Priest: “The horned god is a god of life and death”

Priestess: “The goddess is of birth and renewal”

Priestess & Priest: “To learn you must suffer, to live you must be born, to be born you 

must die, the beginning, the continuation, and the end, over and over”

Priest: “The sun brings forth the light”

Priestess: “The moon holds it in darkness”

Priest: “As above”

Priestess “So below”

Priest: Lifts Athame “and as the athame is to the male”

Priestess: “So the chalice is to the female”

Priestess & Priest: “and conjoined they be one in truth for there is no greater power 

in all the world than that of a two humans, joined in the hands of love” “so mote it

Drink from Chalice

Calling in Deity


I call Hekate of the Crossroads, worshipped at the meeting of three paths, 

oh guardian of all. Hear me, guide my ancestors to peace, we love you, 

i love you, , the triple goddess - mother maiden and crone.

In the sky, earth, and sea, you are venerated in your saffron-colored robes.

Funereal Daimon, celebrating among the souls of those who have passed.

Persian, fond of deserted places, you delight in deer.

Goddess of night, protectress of our beloved dogs, invincible Queen.

Drawn by a yoke of bulls, you are the queen who holds the keys to all the Kózmos.

Commander, Nýmphi, nurturer of children, you who haunt the mountains.

Pray, Maiden, attend our hallowed Samhain ritual;

Be forever gracious to your mystic herdsman and rejoice in our gifts of incense.

So mote it be”


“O, Anubis! Mighty Anubis!

The Ancestors from the Family of Damon have entered the gates to your realm,

And I ask that you continue to watch over them.

Their spirits are brave,

And their souls are honorable.

O, Anubis! Mighty Anubis!

As you take their measure,

And weigh their hearts as they stands before you,

Know that they were loved by many,

And will be remembered by all.

Anubis, welcome The Ancestors from the Family of Damon and deem 

them worthy of entrance,

That they may walk through your realm,

And be under your protection for all eternity.

O, Anubis! Mighty Anubis!

Watch over The Ancestors from the Family of Damon as they appear before you.

So mote it be.”


“Marzanna, Marzanna
The descendants from the family of MÄ…dra call upon you
To bridge the veil between the world of the descendants and the 

world of the ancestors
As the vibrant glory of autumn bridges the veil between summer’s 

warmth and winter’s frosty embrace
Marzanna, Marzanna
The descendants from the family of MÄ…dra call upon you
To put to rest the late Haroldz MÄ…dry
As a follower of HerbCraft
So he may rest until the dawn of time, knowing that his time on Earth, 

is rightfully recognized, by his descendants.
Marzanna, Marzanna
The descendants from the family of MÄ…dra call upon you
To bridge and heal any rifts
Not only among the world of the dead
But also among the world of the living
So we may all live in love and prosperity, for eternity.
So mote it be.”






Use this time to meditate, think about and connect to our ancestors, 

feel the pain they went through, relive their memories, channel their 

personalities and any messages they have for us.

We honor our ancestors by bringing them with us into the present - 

it is now we liberate our family lineage from the trauma and horrors 

they faced and committed.


Now it is time to focus specifically on the HEALING of our ancestral trauma -

 we must visualize the hundreds of family members moving forward into the

 light - at peace, free.

Jayelynn - I personally am asking for forgiveness in how my family was 

related to the direct displacement of indigenous people during the 

colonial era of my family lineage.

Celestina- I am personally asking for forgiveness from all of our collective sins,

 and grant forgiveness to the sins that were committed collectively against us,

 so that we could all move forward into an era of love and prosperity. 

Thanking Deity


Mighty Hekate, Queen of the Witches,

Blessed am I,

To call myself one of Your chosen.

Thank you for aiding my family and me in this ritual of all Samhains eve. 

Hail and Farewell”


“O’ Great Anubis, Guardian of the Underworld,

Blessed am I,

To call myself one of Your chosen.

Thank you for aiding my family and me in this ritual of all Samhains eve. 

Hail and Farewell”

“Marzanna, Marzanna
Keeper of both the wealth of harvest
And the rot of death
Marzanna Marzanna
O Mighty Goddess
The Mother of the Great Cycles of Life
Marzanna Marzanna
I Honor and Heed Your Profound Influence
Both on this side of the Veil, and the Other Side” 

Closing Quarters

North/Earth ““Thank you, Earth for co-creating with me. You are free to go, 

but are welcome to stay. Hail and farewell”

West/Water “Thank you, Water for co-creating with me. You are free to go, 

but are welcome to stay. Hail and farewell”

South/Fire ““Thank you, Fire for co-creating with me. You are free to go, 

but are welcome to stay.Hail and farewell”

East/Air “Thank you, Air for co-creating with me. You are free to go, 

but are welcome to stay. Hail and farewell”

noticeably you can see that during ritual that occurred from 4pm to 5pm my 

heart rate was a consistent non fluctuation pattern, how interesting.

Hand Maiden Sweep, Wine Blessing, and Quarter Calls are written by 
Lady Tamarra James from the Wiccan Church of Canada - Odyssean Wicca