
Showing posts with label astrology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label astrology. Show all posts

Saturday, November 11, 2023

I self published my first book! my journey to becoming an author!

I created this video to help explain some of the process I took in becoming an author!

Friday, October 6, 2023

Pixel 7 Astrophotography Mode

 I took this photo in front of my house on a tripod, there is a streetlight about  30 meters to the right, however other than that there is little to no light pollution in this area, I could probably move away from the light into a darker area and get an even better result.  


Starfield in Rural Arkansas 2023 by J. R. Damon

We live in such a beautiful reality, I am mesmerized by how many beings of light shine and glow throughout the darkness between us, it's as if the stars are reaching out and touching us. 

However, I think this turned out pretty good! hope you enjoy, feel free to zoom in and hopefully the blog doesn't kill the quality


taken in Rural Arkansas in 2023.

Friday, October 30, 2020

Healing Ancestral Trauma - Connecting to our Family

 Healing Ancestral Trauma - Connecting to our Family

Samhain Ritual 2020

Damon Family Ancestor Tree on Samhain 2020

Ritual Written

by Priestess Celestina Aurora Madry and technoshaman001

Start by singing to raise energy as we form our circle.

Handmaiden Sweep

The besom is used to sweep out all residual and negative energy from the space.

“Broom arise from where you stand and be a besom in my hand, 

Ash and Rod and Willow brush, 

powers of day and night you touch, 

Equal parts  Moon and Sun are held by you and shaped as one, 

that sacred balance may kept as round and round the circle swept, blend the day with peaceful night, 

blend the darkness with the light, sweep in help and tranquil calm, sweep out all that causes harm, 

with each stroke, each bristles sway, all things profane are swept away, and time is banished from 

this place, till not remains but sacred space, to welcome in the ancient ones, with this pass my 

sweep is done, so mote it be”

Elemental Purifications

When purifying with the elements you are preparing the space that has been cast ready for 

the presence of the elements in a more pure form than we normally find them.


“With the sweet Air of life, do I bless and make sacred a fitting place within this our circle, for

 the Guardians of the East and the rites of Life that we shall herein perform, So mote it be”


“With the bright flame of light, do i bless and make sacred a fitting place within this our circle, 

for the Guardians of the South and rights of Light we shall herein perform, so mote it be”


“With the pure waters of Love, do I bless and make sacred a fitting place within this our circle, 

for the Guardians of the West and the rites of love we shall herein perform, So mote it be”


“With the firm salt of law, do i bless and make sacred a fitting place within this our circle, for 

the Guardians of the North and the rites of law we shall herein perform, so mote it be”

Wine Blessing

The wine blessing is bringing the ritual to the creation of everything, it is the Big band told

 in microcosm.

The Chalice represents the Goddess, Earth, Water, a solid object containing liquid

The Athame represents the God, Air and Fire.

Priestess: Kneels and lifts Chalice

“By this I summon yee, O Ancient ones, Bless yee this wine and Infuse it with thy limitless

Love let it become for thy Children, the life blood that Flows in all things,

the manifested essenscense of The blessed elements”

Priest: Lays the athame across the chalice

“The Male holds the power and is the reservoir of the power”

Priestess: “The Female taps the power in him and channels it”

Priestess & Priest: “Neither one can work without the other, one without the other is incomplete”

Priest: “The horned god is a god of life and death”

Priestess: “The goddess is of birth and renewal”

Priestess & Priest: “To learn you must suffer, to live you must be born, to be born you 

must die, the beginning, the continuation, and the end, over and over”

Priest: “The sun brings forth the light”

Priestess: “The moon holds it in darkness”

Priest: “As above”

Priestess “So below”

Priest: Lifts Athame “and as the athame is to the male”

Priestess: “So the chalice is to the female”

Priestess & Priest: “and conjoined they be one in truth for there is no greater power 

in all the world than that of a two humans, joined in the hands of love” “so mote it

Drink from Chalice

Calling in Deity


I call Hekate of the Crossroads, worshipped at the meeting of three paths, 

oh guardian of all. Hear me, guide my ancestors to peace, we love you, 

i love you, , the triple goddess - mother maiden and crone.

In the sky, earth, and sea, you are venerated in your saffron-colored robes.

Funereal Daimon, celebrating among the souls of those who have passed.

Persian, fond of deserted places, you delight in deer.

Goddess of night, protectress of our beloved dogs, invincible Queen.

Drawn by a yoke of bulls, you are the queen who holds the keys to all the Kózmos.

Commander, Nýmphi, nurturer of children, you who haunt the mountains.

Pray, Maiden, attend our hallowed Samhain ritual;

Be forever gracious to your mystic herdsman and rejoice in our gifts of incense.

So mote it be”


“O, Anubis! Mighty Anubis!

The Ancestors from the Family of Damon have entered the gates to your realm,

And I ask that you continue to watch over them.

Their spirits are brave,

And their souls are honorable.

O, Anubis! Mighty Anubis!

As you take their measure,

And weigh their hearts as they stands before you,

Know that they were loved by many,

And will be remembered by all.

Anubis, welcome The Ancestors from the Family of Damon and deem 

them worthy of entrance,

That they may walk through your realm,

And be under your protection for all eternity.

O, Anubis! Mighty Anubis!

Watch over The Ancestors from the Family of Damon as they appear before you.

So mote it be.”


“Marzanna, Marzanna
The descendants from the family of MÄ…dra call upon you
To bridge the veil between the world of the descendants and the 

world of the ancestors
As the vibrant glory of autumn bridges the veil between summer’s 

warmth and winter’s frosty embrace
Marzanna, Marzanna
The descendants from the family of MÄ…dra call upon you
To put to rest the late Haroldz MÄ…dry
As a follower of HerbCraft
So he may rest until the dawn of time, knowing that his time on Earth, 

is rightfully recognized, by his descendants.
Marzanna, Marzanna
The descendants from the family of MÄ…dra call upon you
To bridge and heal any rifts
Not only among the world of the dead
But also among the world of the living
So we may all live in love and prosperity, for eternity.
So mote it be.”






Use this time to meditate, think about and connect to our ancestors, 

feel the pain they went through, relive their memories, channel their 

personalities and any messages they have for us.

We honor our ancestors by bringing them with us into the present - 

it is now we liberate our family lineage from the trauma and horrors 

they faced and committed.


Now it is time to focus specifically on the HEALING of our ancestral trauma -

 we must visualize the hundreds of family members moving forward into the

 light - at peace, free.

Jayelynn - I personally am asking for forgiveness in how my family was 

related to the direct displacement of indigenous people during the 

colonial era of my family lineage.

Celestina- I am personally asking for forgiveness from all of our collective sins,

 and grant forgiveness to the sins that were committed collectively against us,

 so that we could all move forward into an era of love and prosperity. 

Thanking Deity


Mighty Hekate, Queen of the Witches,

Blessed am I,

To call myself one of Your chosen.

Thank you for aiding my family and me in this ritual of all Samhains eve. 

Hail and Farewell”


“O’ Great Anubis, Guardian of the Underworld,

Blessed am I,

To call myself one of Your chosen.

Thank you for aiding my family and me in this ritual of all Samhains eve. 

Hail and Farewell”

“Marzanna, Marzanna
Keeper of both the wealth of harvest
And the rot of death
Marzanna Marzanna
O Mighty Goddess
The Mother of the Great Cycles of Life
Marzanna Marzanna
I Honor and Heed Your Profound Influence
Both on this side of the Veil, and the Other Side” 

Closing Quarters

North/Earth ““Thank you, Earth for co-creating with me. You are free to go, 

but are welcome to stay. Hail and farewell”

West/Water “Thank you, Water for co-creating with me. You are free to go, 

but are welcome to stay. Hail and farewell”

South/Fire ““Thank you, Fire for co-creating with me. You are free to go, 

but are welcome to stay.Hail and farewell”

East/Air “Thank you, Air for co-creating with me. You are free to go, 

but are welcome to stay. Hail and farewell”

noticeably you can see that during ritual that occurred from 4pm to 5pm my 

heart rate was a consistent non fluctuation pattern, how interesting.

Hand Maiden Sweep, Wine Blessing, and Quarter Calls are written by 
Lady Tamarra James from the Wiccan Church of Canada - Odyssean Wicca