
Showing posts with label author. Show all posts
Showing posts with label author. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Readership is Increasing! | Book Sales are going up! | Margaret Atwood ideacity excerpt | Sun Circle

a youtube short i created about how overall book sales are increasing, just in a different way. using the voice of Margaret Atwood from Ideacity 2010, in Toronto, Canada

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Monica Elle Rose does a shoutout on Twitch for my book! Sun Circle: a magickal solar grimoire

longtime friend Monica Elle Rose, does a shoutout for my book Sun Circle: a magickal solar grimoire

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Sun Circle: a magickal solar grimoire by J. R. Damon - technoshaman001 | my book is available now!

I made this promotional video for my book Sun Circle: a magickal solar grimoire by technoshaman001 - J. R. Damon

Saturday, November 11, 2023

I self published my first book! my journey to becoming an author!

I created this video to help explain some of the process I took in becoming an author!

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Author your Peace into Existence

Author Your Peace into Existence, Claim your Future with your Power

Saturday, September 23, 2023

I resigned from HealthEquity after 2 years

 I am going to focus full time on making money from publishing my book and becoming an entrepreneur, making money from hobbies and things that I love. I dont want to work a corporate dead end job anymore.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Update on Sun Circle, the book I am writing!

greetings friends and family!

 i had a breakthrough with my book that i am writing! it has me really excited to publish this book ive worked so hard on!

J. R. Damon September 2023

i am still yet to decide on if i want to self publish, or be traditionally published - but the opportunities are opening for me like a portal - all my hard work and energy put into this book, will finally pay off

i hope you are excited about this book as i am, i was able to incorporate the breakthrough i had into a major restructuring of my table of contents and change the way some of the material is being presented.

this book is an encyclopedia on the sun, a magickal grimoire - i hope that it will be read through and then sit on witches and academics shelves, as reference material lol.

it has a lot of great information inside and i am very excited in the next couple of weeks and months to have this prepared and ready for release!

i hope you have a great day! and stay tuned for more info soon on my book and its release date!

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Adriaan Damman aka Hadrian Damon


As the son of a wealthy merchant and member of the nobility, Adriaan Damon Damman was afforded many privileges and opportunities in life. He received a thorough education, learning languages, history, mathematics, and the arts. He also trained in the martial arts, becoming skilled in swordsmanship and horsemanship.

In 1555, Adriaan married Margaret Stewart, the daughter of James Stewart, a powerful nobleman in Scotland. The couple settled in Canongate, a town in the Midlothian region of Scotland. They had three children together: Thomas, Theophilus, and Adrian.

Adriaan devoted much of his time to managing his family's businesses and properties, including several large estates and a fleet of trading ships. He was a shrewd and successful businessman, and his wealth and influence grew over the years.

Despite his busy schedule, Adriaan made time for leisure and pursuits of his own. He was a patron of the arts and often hosted lavish parties and gatherings at his estate. He was also an avid collector of rare and valuable objects, including books, art, and musical instruments.

In 1607, at the age of 68, Adriaan passed away at his estate in Scotland. He was remembered as a kind and generous man, who was loved and respected by those who knew him. His legacy lived on through his children and their descendants, who continued to thrive and prosper in the years that followed.