
Showing posts with label book. Show all posts
Showing posts with label book. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Readership is Increasing! | Book Sales are going up! | Margaret Atwood ideacity excerpt | Sun Circle

a youtube short i created about how overall book sales are increasing, just in a different way. using the voice of Margaret Atwood from Ideacity 2010, in Toronto, Canada

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Monica Elle Rose does a shoutout on Twitch for my book! Sun Circle: a magickal solar grimoire

longtime friend Monica Elle Rose, does a shoutout for my book Sun Circle: a magickal solar grimoire

Thursday, November 16, 2023

translation copies of my book

 I will be releasing my book in multiple formatted languages such and French and Spanish, with plans to expand to others. Especially indigenous languages. I would love to have my book printed in Inuit and Cree and Ojibway.

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Sun Circle: a magickal solar grimoire by J. R. Damon - technoshaman001 | my book is available now!

I made this promotional video for my book Sun Circle: a magickal solar grimoire by technoshaman001 - J. R. Damon

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Uncovering Ancient Secrets: Mound Site Aligning with Auriga

I'm excited to share my findings about an ancient mound site near Batesville, Arkansas, which I've linked to the celestial constellation of Auriga. My research has taken me to the intersection of archaeology, astronomy, and indigenous culture, and I want to invite you to explore this intriguing connection with me.

Discovering the Mound Site:

The journey begins with the mound site itself, which has a rich history dating back to the time of Hernando de Soto's documentation. However, I noticed something remarkable—an alignment with the constellation Auriga. Could this be a deliberate astronomical connection made by the ancient inhabitants of the region? Join me as I delve into the details of this site's layout and its relationship to the stars.

The Constellation Auriga:

To appreciate the significance of this alignment, let's explore the constellation Auriga, known as "The Charioteer." I'll discuss the stars that make up this constellation, which might hold clues to the cultural and spiritual importance of the connection I've uncovered.

My Research Journey:

I'll share my experiences in approaching academic institutions and experts, as well as the challenges I faced. Despite some initial skepticism, my commitment to this research has led me to publish my findings in a book, where I present the evidence and arguments supporting this intriguing discovery.

How to Explore Further:

If you're as fascinated by this discovery as I am, I encourage you to dive deeper into the details by reading my book, Sun Circle: a magickal solar grimoire, where I provide a comprehensive account of the research and findings. You can find it available for purchase on Amazon and in many metaphysical stores.

Sun Circle: a magickal solar grimoire - Available Now!









Thank you for joining me on this adventure of discovery. I look forward to sharing more with you in the future.

Friday, October 27, 2023

update on my book Sun Circle

Drumroll please......

With my happiest of joy, I get to announce that 

my debut book SUN CIRCLE is completed!!! 

You can order it now! here ---->  PAPERBACK COPIES










I have worked so hard on this over the last 3 years, I started writing this book during lock down in 2020 and finally was able to complete it in October of 2023.

I really hope you consider supporting me by purchasing this book for your collection and helping me kickstart my career as an author!

Sun Circle: a magickal solair grimoire is a 650 page manuscript that delves,


into the profound and timeless influence of the Sun across the ages. This work weaves together a story of knowledge and ancient magick, serving as an invaluable reference for those who seek to embrace the radiant energy of our celestial star.

Explore the Wheel of the Year, read the story of Leo, Draw Down the power of the Sun, learn about the Pyramids, Stonehenge, megalithic circles, indigenous burial mounds, and more!

Within these pages, you'll embark on a transformative journey that will expand your consciousness, unveiling fresh insights into the Sun's multifaceted significance. From sacred blessings to potent spells, this book unearths the roots of traditional Pagan practices and explores the astrological reverence of ancient Neolithic societies.

By ordering my book, you're not just supporting me as an author, but you're also embarking on an illuminating adventure through time and tradition. 

I hope to expand your mind and give you a new perception of the Sun. There is lots of blessings and spells and information about traditional Pagan practices as well as information about ancient neolithic societies and their astrological reverence. Overall this book is something I hope you enjoy and I look forward to hearing your feedback!

Thank you for considering this endeavor, and may this book kindle the light of knowledge and enchantment in your life. 📚🌞

Bright Blessings )O(

J. R. Damon

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Update on Sun Circle, the book I am writing!

greetings friends and family!

 i had a breakthrough with my book that i am writing! it has me really excited to publish this book ive worked so hard on!

J. R. Damon September 2023

i am still yet to decide on if i want to self publish, or be traditionally published - but the opportunities are opening for me like a portal - all my hard work and energy put into this book, will finally pay off

i hope you are excited about this book as i am, i was able to incorporate the breakthrough i had into a major restructuring of my table of contents and change the way some of the material is being presented.

this book is an encyclopedia on the sun, a magickal grimoire - i hope that it will be read through and then sit on witches and academics shelves, as reference material lol.

it has a lot of great information inside and i am very excited in the next couple of weeks and months to have this prepared and ready for release!

i hope you have a great day! and stay tuned for more info soon on my book and its release date!

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

my review of Children of Time

Children of Time Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

one of the best scifis you can read, looking forward to the sequel! i purchased this in 2018, and I fell in love with Portia!

View all my reviews

my review of Empowering Your Life with Wicca

Empowering Your Life with Wicca Empowering Your Life with Wicca by Sirona Knight
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was the first Wicca book, i ever read. it really shaped my introduction into the craft.

View all my reviews

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

releasing the name of the book i am writing on Lughnasadh


Have you noticed how hot it is outside? ☀️ 🔥 I will be releasing the name of my book on #lughnasadh August 1st !!!! I've been crafting this book for three years now and am excited to share this project and art piece with you all 🙏😍

the power of the sun is immense, this is why I'm writing a #book on how miraculous it is and the #magick that we can create with the infusion of #solar energy! 🔥

#hot #summer #climatechange #sun #sunny #witchcraft #witch #leo #wicca #shamanism #shaman #author #encyclopedia #sunmagic #occult #hermetics #magic #druid #stonehenge #newgrange #pyramidofkhufu #teotihuacan #gaia #earth #energy #healing

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Stuart Little in 1999

The first movie I ever watched in Movie theatres was "Stuart Little" and it was also the first novel i ever received for winter solstice from my parents in 1999

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Adriaan Damman aka Hadrian Damon


As the son of a wealthy merchant and member of the nobility, Adriaan Damon Damman was afforded many privileges and opportunities in life. He received a thorough education, learning languages, history, mathematics, and the arts. He also trained in the martial arts, becoming skilled in swordsmanship and horsemanship.

In 1555, Adriaan married Margaret Stewart, the daughter of James Stewart, a powerful nobleman in Scotland. The couple settled in Canongate, a town in the Midlothian region of Scotland. They had three children together: Thomas, Theophilus, and Adrian.

Adriaan devoted much of his time to managing his family's businesses and properties, including several large estates and a fleet of trading ships. He was a shrewd and successful businessman, and his wealth and influence grew over the years.

Despite his busy schedule, Adriaan made time for leisure and pursuits of his own. He was a patron of the arts and often hosted lavish parties and gatherings at his estate. He was also an avid collector of rare and valuable objects, including books, art, and musical instruments.

In 1607, at the age of 68, Adriaan passed away at his estate in Scotland. He was remembered as a kind and generous man, who was loved and respected by those who knew him. His legacy lived on through his children and their descendants, who continued to thrive and prosper in the years that followed.