
Showing posts with label mayan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mayan. Show all posts

Sunday, December 11, 2022


Baktun8 by jayelynn damon technoshaman001 + midjourney

BAKTUN 8 - Time Traveller's from the Future

    As the sun rose over the ancient Mayan pyramids, a group of extraterrestrial beings emerged from a shimmering portal in the sky. They descended upon the ancient ruins, their advanced technology a stark contrast to the primitive world around them.
The beings were transhumans, advanced human beings from the distant future who had mastered the art of time travel. They had come back to the year, also known as Baktun 8 in the Mayan calendar, in order to study the ancient civilization and learn from its wisdom.
The transhumans were greeted with awe and reverence by the Mayans, who believed them to be gods. The transhumans, in turn, were fascinated by the Mayans and their advanced knowledge of astronomy and mathematics.
Baktun8 by jayelynn damon technoshaman001 + midjourney
Over the course of several months, the transhumans and the Mayans formed a close bond. The transhumans shared their advanced technology with the Mayans, teaching them how to build more accurate calendars and develop better agricultural techniques.
But as time passed, the transhumans grew increasingly concerned about the fate of the Mayan civilization. They knew that in just a few centuries, the civilization would be devastated by a series of natural disasters and foreign invaders.
Baktun8 by jayelynn damon technoshaman001 + midjourney
Unable to change the course of history, the transhumans decided to leave the Mayan civilization in peace and return to their own time. But before they left, they vowed to return to Baktun 8 once again, to continue learning from the wisdom of the ancient civilization.
And so, the transhumans disappeared back into the portal, leaving the Mayan pyramids behind, but taking with them the knowledge and understanding they had gained from their time in the past. 
by GPT3 + technoshaman001
Baktun8 by jayelynn damon technoshaman001 + midjourney