
Showing posts with label paganism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label paganism. Show all posts

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Sun Circle: a magickal solar grimoire by J. R. Damon - technoshaman001 | my book is available now!

I made this promotional video for my book Sun Circle: a magickal solar grimoire by technoshaman001 - J. R. Damon

Saturday, November 11, 2023

I self published my first book! my journey to becoming an author!

I created this video to help explain some of the process I took in becoming an author!

Friday, October 27, 2023

update on my book Sun Circle

Drumroll please......

With my happiest of joy, I get to announce that 

my debut book SUN CIRCLE is completed!!! 

You can order it now! here ---->  PAPERBACK COPIES










I have worked so hard on this over the last 3 years, I started writing this book during lock down in 2020 and finally was able to complete it in October of 2023.

I really hope you consider supporting me by purchasing this book for your collection and helping me kickstart my career as an author!

Sun Circle: a magickal solair grimoire is a 650 page manuscript that delves,


into the profound and timeless influence of the Sun across the ages. This work weaves together a story of knowledge and ancient magick, serving as an invaluable reference for those who seek to embrace the radiant energy of our celestial star.

Explore the Wheel of the Year, read the story of Leo, Draw Down the power of the Sun, learn about the Pyramids, Stonehenge, megalithic circles, indigenous burial mounds, and more!

Within these pages, you'll embark on a transformative journey that will expand your consciousness, unveiling fresh insights into the Sun's multifaceted significance. From sacred blessings to potent spells, this book unearths the roots of traditional Pagan practices and explores the astrological reverence of ancient Neolithic societies.

By ordering my book, you're not just supporting me as an author, but you're also embarking on an illuminating adventure through time and tradition. 

I hope to expand your mind and give you a new perception of the Sun. There is lots of blessings and spells and information about traditional Pagan practices as well as information about ancient neolithic societies and their astrological reverence. Overall this book is something I hope you enjoy and I look forward to hearing your feedback!

Thank you for considering this endeavor, and may this book kindle the light of knowledge and enchantment in your life. 📚🌞

Bright Blessings )O(

J. R. Damon

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Author your Peace into Existence

Author Your Peace into Existence, Claim your Future with your Power

Monday, August 28, 2023

Odyssean Wicca


Founders and Origins: Odyssean Wicca was founded in Toronto, Canada, in the late 1970s by Tamarra and Richard James. The tradition draws inspiration from various sources, including Gardnerian Wicca, Alexandrian Wicca, Continental Wicca, and Pagan Way. The name "Odyssean" is a reference to Homer's Odyssey and signifies the spiritual journey taken by practitioners.

Beliefs and Practices:

  • Pantheon and Deities: Odyssean Wicca acknowledges a duotheistic belief system, similar to many other Wiccan traditions. The Goddess and God are central figures, representing the feminine and masculine divine energies.
  • Public Priesthood: One of the distinguishing features of Odyssean Wicca is its emphasis on preparing members for public priesthood. This includes training in leading rituals, teaching, counseling, and other roles related to spiritual guidance.
  • Rites of Passage: The tradition places importance on rites of passage, including dedications, initiation into different degrees, handfastings (Wiccan weddings), handpartings (Wiccan divorces), and other significant life events.
  • Ritual Flexibility: While Odyssean Wicca has a British Traditional Wicca influence, it is known for its flexible approach to ritual. This allows for a blend of structure and adaptability, enabling practitioners to personalize their practices.
  • Connection with Ancestral Wisdom: Odyssean Wicca emphasizes the fusion of ancestral wisdom with modern and futuristic concepts. This fusion is represented through the integration of traditional practices and forward-looking ideals.

Degrees and Progression: The tradition has three degrees of initiation:

  • First Degree: A priest or priestess who has completed the necessary training and is capable of leading rituals, teaching, counseling, and other duties associated with public priesthood.
  • Second Degree: Elevation to the "High Priesthood," typically achieved after successfully running a coven or group for an extended period and training a student to the first-degree level.
  • Third Degree: Rarely awarded, this degree is reserved for individuals who have made significant contributions to the broader Neopagan community.

Relationship with Other Traditions: Odyssean Wicca shares connections with other Wiccan and Neopagan traditions. It has been influenced by Gardnerian, Alexandrian, Continental, and Blue Star traditions. It maintains a unique relationship with the Wiccan Church of Canada (WCC), which was also founded by Tamarra and Richard James.

Growth and Evolution: Over its history, Odyssean Wicca has evolved and adapted to changing times and contexts. The tradition has participated in shaping the Canadian Pagan community, contributing to the growth of open dialogue, shared experiences, and broader ceremonies.

Keep in mind that this is a brief overview, and the details and nuances of Odyssean Wicca's beliefs and practices can be quite intricate. If you're interested in learning more, you may want to explore further resources, attend workshops, or connect with practitioners from the tradition.




1. Altar Setup and Rituals: In Odyssean Wicca, the altar setup is designed to symbolize the sacred space and connect with the divine. The altar faces the Northeast, representing the point between the end of one journey and the beginning of another. The arrangement includes candles, each with its own meaning and significance. These candles typically represent the God, the Goddess, the Horned God, and the Triple Goddess.

The four Elements—Air, Fire, Water, and Earth—are also important in Odyssean Wicca and are represented on the altar through tools and symbols. The athame (ritual knife), chalice, wand, and pentacle (a flat, disk-like object with a pentagram) are commonly used to represent these Elements, respectively. The pentacle is particularly significant in Odyssean Wicca as a symbol of the interconnectedness of the Elements and the forces of the universe.

2. Beliefs and Deities: In the Odyssean tradition, practitioners hold a duotheistic belief system, which means they worship a Goddess and a God. The Goddess represents feminine divine energy, often associated with the Moon, intuition, nurturing, and nature. The God represents masculine divine energy, associated with the Sun, strength, protection, and the wild aspects of nature. These deities are seen as complementary and embody the balance of energies in the universe.

3. Public Priesthood and Rites of Passage: Odyssean Wicca places a strong emphasis on training its members for public priesthood. This involves learning how to lead rituals, teach others about Wicca and its practices, provide spiritual guidance, and perform counseling. This training is considered an important aspect of the tradition, allowing individuals to take on leadership roles within the Wiccan community.

The tradition also recognizes various rites of passage, which mark significant milestones in a practitioner's life. These include:

  • Dedications: A personal commitment to the Wiccan path and the deities.
  • Initiations: The process of advancing through the degrees of the tradition.
  • Handfastings: Wiccan weddings that celebrate the union of two individuals.
  • Handpartings: Ceremonies that mark the end of a Wiccan marriage.
  • Other Life Celebrations: Rituals and ceremonies for births, coming-of-age, and other important life events.

4. Ritual Flexibility and Personalization: While Odyssean Wicca has a structured framework, it also encourages personalization and adaptability in rituals. This means practitioners have the flexibility to incorporate their own preferences and connections into the ceremonies, fostering a deeper and more personal spiritual experience.

5. Connection with Ancestral Wisdom and Futuristic Ideals: One of the distinctive aspects of Odyssean Wicca is its integration of ancestral wisdom with futuristic concepts. This blend is represented through the use of traditional practices alongside forward-looking ideals like transhumanism, cybernetics, and virtual reality. This unique combination reflects the practitioner's desire to merge ancient wisdom with modern and future advancements.

6. Degrees and Progression: Odyssean Wicca has a structured initiation system with three degrees:

  • First Degree: This is the introductory level, where individuals learn the basics of Wicca, its rituals, and its philosophy. First-degree witches are capable of leading rituals and guiding newcomers.
  • Second Degree: Second-degree witches take on more responsibilities within the community, potentially leading their own covens and training first-degree initiates.
  • Third Degree: This degree is rare and is often reserved for individuals who have made significant contributions to the Wiccan and Neopagan community.

7. Relationship with Other Traditions: Odyssean Wicca has connections with other Wiccan and Neopagan traditions, often participating in interfaith dialogues and collaborations. It shares historical and philosophical links with Gardnerian Wicca, Alexandrian Wicca, and the broader Pagan movement.

Remember, the beliefs and practices within any Wiccan tradition can be complex and multifaceted. If you're interested in becoming more involved with Odyssean Wicca or learning more, consider connecting with practitioners, attending workshops or events, and exploring relevant literature and resources.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Happy Lughnasadh everyone ❤️

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

releasing the name of the book i am writing on Lughnasadh


Have you noticed how hot it is outside? ☀️ 🔥 I will be releasing the name of my book on #lughnasadh August 1st !!!! I've been crafting this book for three years now and am excited to share this project and art piece with you all 🙏😍

the power of the sun is immense, this is why I'm writing a #book on how miraculous it is and the #magick that we can create with the infusion of #solar energy! 🔥

#hot #summer #climatechange #sun #sunny #witchcraft #witch #leo #wicca #shamanism #shaman #author #encyclopedia #sunmagic #occult #hermetics #magic #druid #stonehenge #newgrange #pyramidofkhufu #teotihuacan #gaia #earth #energy #healing

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Wheel of the Year

We at The Zia Temple practice the observation of many holidays throughout the year, these are Pagan Sabbat's, on these day's we take the time to celebrate, reflect and give thanks to the spirits and forces of nature around us. We appreciate the rhythms of the solar system, the turning of the wheel and we weave our strongest magic when the Sun is at the highest point in the sky and when the veil between this side and the other is thinnest.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Six Psychonauts on VR, Psychedelics, & Consciousness Transformation — VRTO2018

 From Voices of VR Podcast host, Kent Bye — I had an opportunity to moderate a panel featuring six psychonauts who are exploring the intersection between Psychedelics, VR, and consciousness transformation at the VRTO conference in Toronto, Canada on June 16th, 2018. The participants from left to right were myself as moderator, Tina Madry, Brett Leonard, Scott Mason, Eliott Edge, Audri Phillips, & technoshaman. We explore a wide range of topics around VR as a new communications medium to communicate inner, noetic, psychedelic and phenomenological experiences, as well as how psychedelics is a tool to explore the capacities of the human mind and what sorts of experiential and neuroscience insights we gain from psychedelic research and experimentation.


Sunday, April 22, 2018

techn0shamans Mind Palace lobby 2018


techn0shamans Mind Palace lobby 2018

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Shamanism led me to VR - techn0shaman

JanusVR as a platform for Artists


Virtual Reality & Art

As an artist I am always looking at creating new ways to share my experiences with other people. I have personally found that art and digital technologies are a great combination because of the ability to create spaces, objects and creatures from our imagination in a 3 Dimensional environment. The ability for the observer to walk around and interact really changes the depth and emotion we as artists are able to portray by bringing ourselves and people into our own self created universe. Creating worlds from our dreams and visions are some of the most powerful ways we can express ourselves and share our perspective when we and others are looking at what we have created. As a potential for creating a better world through art, VR is an extremely powerful and moving platform, with the ability to change the way we perceive the world and our own subject experience of existence itself.  Virtual reality combined with art is the first step in evolving our language into something which is perceived and understood, a 3 Dimensional language. Beautiful visual meanings are beheld alongside acoustical meanings. We have the possibility of changing our species for the better in a profound way. If we could see with our eyes what each other means, there would be no miscommunication. Our 2D language does not suffice for truly sharing how we feel or what our subjective experience is; cyberspace is the cure for this as it connects each one of us to each other in a world built from light where we can share and build freely with no constraints.

the future.jpg

“Art’s task is to save the soul of mankind” - Terence McKenna

If we can dissolve the boundaries between ourselves and each other, we can all work toward a common cause, and a new true vision of humanity will be possible. But first we have to objectify our language. A culture can only evolve as fast as it’s language evolves, and we must build new bridges in the ways we can communicate to our species and to others. Building linguistic pathways and creating new modes and meanings of communication will advance our language much more than we can anticipate, once our language is beheld it will change the way we relate to everything. If we succeed we will breakthrough into a new dimension of understanding, it will create a more true dynamic, integrated, cybernetic, loving, psychedelic, intellectual environment for all of us to co-exist in. 

Shamanism led me to VR

I am always trying to expand the creative outlets for my art, and ways to share my experiences. My journey into VR started very simply. I had decent tech skills, but little money. Not letting that stop my desire to be a part of this radical transformation that is happening around us - to be a part of the creation of this new technology, not the slave of big business and wall street- I decided to search out methods and technologies which would help me achieve my goal of transforming the way I can communicate my ideas with other people. 

In my practice of Shamanism, the eating of psilocybin mushrooms and ingesting cannabis gave me intense insight into how limited our cultural assumptions are with language and that if we desire we can break free from the models of the bourgeois. Psychedelics taught me about the importance of myself and that the world we create and share with others is designed by our languages and that if we can change the code in which our language is made of we can transform the reality as we know it. By learning how to 3D model and sculpt memories from my mind palace, I have been able to share a truer vision of who I am and what my perception of this reality is. Discovering VR has completely changed the way I see the world and everyone in it, I am truly looking forward to a day when we are more enlightened and able to communicate through telepathy in 3 Dimensional language. We are seeing the birth of a new planetary scale transformation, and it’s very exciting to be apart of it. I think VR is a radical, fun way to start creating the future we want and it will allow us to look at the human soul as an eternal transdimensional object that we can merge with others and create a new understanding of who we are in the cosmos.

Drawing, wood burning, 3Dprinting, 3D modelling, painting, makeup, hairstyling, and evolving my personal aesthetic has been a really interesting journey, but the best part comes from being able to incorporate all of these creations into a much more solid form, Virtually. By scanning myself and objects I’ve made by bringing them into hyperspace in the metaverse, I have immortalized these ideas. Coding them into a virtual space that I’ve spent many hours living and working in. Transcending the limits of the biological realm, in the digital realm (which is no less real than the dimension that we exist in that isn’t virtual) has been an exhilarating and arduous journey into the mystical and the psychedelic. Mind stretches outwards and inwards beyond our brains into these technologies that have allowed me to unify the technological and the biological world by combining my artistic creations and capturing my memories, dreams, visions, nightmares, fantasies, and anticipated futures.

15326494_10108659237181150_1088190165207141603_n.jpg                   Artist: @raminnazer on his art pierce “All models of reality are provisional, meaning there is no one truth. It all just depends where you're standing. Cyberspace can be seen as a window into other realities. Places that don't technically "exist". We're currently looking at VR as a helmet or goggles but I think the big leap was with consumer internet, which started about 25 years ago. The only difference is now we're starting to step into the window. And the best part is that it's what the eastern yogi/spiritual bunch have been saying the whole time. It all IS and that's just becoming more clear. Also, the "welcome back" part implies that this is where you came from, you just incarnated into this limited stubborn reality to build
more context to enjoy where it ALL IS.”

JanusVR, a medium for bringing your Mind Palaces to life

How we browse and interact with the internet is evolving at a fast rate. JanusVR is a web browser designed by James McCrae graduate from the U of T, which allows you to look at the web in a new way, in 3D. The technology to be able to share our imagination with friends, family, and our communities is already in place today. JanusVR has the ability to interact with the internet that is in place today by using HTML + Firebox rooms to create a 3D experience on the web, in virtual reality. JanusVR has a multiplayer server so artists and people can interact with objects in real time when connected to this default server. Locomotion in VR is something JanusVR has worked hard to solve, using a portal system to move from website to website with searchable party mode abilities so you can find out where others are.

        Mindscapes and topological environments from our imagination are easy to bring together with a basic knowledge of HTML and 3D modelling. is a free hosting server for people who do not own their own websites but still want to share content. It’s free to sign up and has no cost for hosting files and has a built in HTML editor so it streamlines your ability to edit your files.


It’s 2017! Let’s use this opportunity to connect with our communities and see if we can move the human race forward and invigorate the VR community (which is lacking large amounts of content). Let the voices of our communities reach out to everyone and anyone who wants to create art and share their experiences with the world. Transforming our reality is ultimately up to us, as the world is made of linguistic structure’s, let’s use our vocabulary intellectually and creatively to create a bright new model for others to see and hear across the metaverse. 

Anyone who is interested in designing art in 3D can talk to the JanusVR team on the community Discord, or Subreddit about how to get started! Not only are you able to design your art in a new way, but you can also bring existing art works into cyberspace too, using a phone or camera to capture your artwork as an image or a 3D model and then bringing it into Janus. 

I asked some artist’s in the VR community online what advances and abilities they would like to have integrated into VR, here are their suggestions:

  • Blondtron Sound or music publishing is an aspect I'm fed up with in the regular world and think we can do better in the metaverse. I want to be able to create sounds in virtual worlds but I also want to be able to build worlds around the songs I create. The two should go hand in hand. What is holding us (creators) back in our current music publishing system is that there are two many middle men between artists and their fans, there are too many copyright laws. I'm interested in how we can publish works as artists with some sort of cryptographic watermark (audio or visual) that links us to our work directly, some sort of blockchain system that encourages remixing and iteration. Clearing samples sucks balls.”

  • Ali Zareiee In tilt brush there's a line tool and that's it, and it is far from precise, homing in on the perfect line in that environment you need to be a calligraphy master and a seasoned martial artist to be able to pull off the correct lines in one go ”

  • Dulce Baerga - to “ Have the ability to think of a world and then AI would build it for me”


techn0shaman is a Toronto based Transhumanist, advocate for the psychedelic experience, and Electronic virtual reality enthusiast. Find out more at