
Showing posts with label wicca. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wicca. Show all posts

Saturday, November 11, 2023

I self published my first book! my journey to becoming an author!

I created this video to help explain some of the process I took in becoming an author!

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Uncovering Ancient Secrets: Mound Site Aligning with Auriga

I'm excited to share my findings about an ancient mound site near Batesville, Arkansas, which I've linked to the celestial constellation of Auriga. My research has taken me to the intersection of archaeology, astronomy, and indigenous culture, and I want to invite you to explore this intriguing connection with me.

Discovering the Mound Site:

The journey begins with the mound site itself, which has a rich history dating back to the time of Hernando de Soto's documentation. However, I noticed something remarkable—an alignment with the constellation Auriga. Could this be a deliberate astronomical connection made by the ancient inhabitants of the region? Join me as I delve into the details of this site's layout and its relationship to the stars.

The Constellation Auriga:

To appreciate the significance of this alignment, let's explore the constellation Auriga, known as "The Charioteer." I'll discuss the stars that make up this constellation, which might hold clues to the cultural and spiritual importance of the connection I've uncovered.

My Research Journey:

I'll share my experiences in approaching academic institutions and experts, as well as the challenges I faced. Despite some initial skepticism, my commitment to this research has led me to publish my findings in a book, where I present the evidence and arguments supporting this intriguing discovery.

How to Explore Further:

If you're as fascinated by this discovery as I am, I encourage you to dive deeper into the details by reading my book, Sun Circle: a magickal solar grimoire, where I provide a comprehensive account of the research and findings. You can find it available for purchase on Amazon and in many metaphysical stores.

Sun Circle: a magickal solar grimoire - Available Now!









Thank you for joining me on this adventure of discovery. I look forward to sharing more with you in the future.

Friday, October 27, 2023

update on my book Sun Circle

Drumroll please......

With my happiest of joy, I get to announce that 

my debut book SUN CIRCLE is completed!!! 

You can order it now! here ---->  PAPERBACK COPIES










I have worked so hard on this over the last 3 years, I started writing this book during lock down in 2020 and finally was able to complete it in October of 2023.

I really hope you consider supporting me by purchasing this book for your collection and helping me kickstart my career as an author!

Sun Circle: a magickal solair grimoire is a 650 page manuscript that delves,


into the profound and timeless influence of the Sun across the ages. This work weaves together a story of knowledge and ancient magick, serving as an invaluable reference for those who seek to embrace the radiant energy of our celestial star.

Explore the Wheel of the Year, read the story of Leo, Draw Down the power of the Sun, learn about the Pyramids, Stonehenge, megalithic circles, indigenous burial mounds, and more!

Within these pages, you'll embark on a transformative journey that will expand your consciousness, unveiling fresh insights into the Sun's multifaceted significance. From sacred blessings to potent spells, this book unearths the roots of traditional Pagan practices and explores the astrological reverence of ancient Neolithic societies.

By ordering my book, you're not just supporting me as an author, but you're also embarking on an illuminating adventure through time and tradition. 

I hope to expand your mind and give you a new perception of the Sun. There is lots of blessings and spells and information about traditional Pagan practices as well as information about ancient neolithic societies and their astrological reverence. Overall this book is something I hope you enjoy and I look forward to hearing your feedback!

Thank you for considering this endeavor, and may this book kindle the light of knowledge and enchantment in your life. 📚🌞

Bright Blessings )O(

J. R. Damon

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Author your Peace into Existence

Author Your Peace into Existence, Claim your Future with your Power

Saturday, September 23, 2023

I resigned from HealthEquity after 2 years

 I am going to focus full time on making money from publishing my book and becoming an entrepreneur, making money from hobbies and things that I love. I dont want to work a corporate dead end job anymore.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Update on Sun Circle, the book I am writing!

greetings friends and family!

 i had a breakthrough with my book that i am writing! it has me really excited to publish this book ive worked so hard on!

J. R. Damon September 2023

i am still yet to decide on if i want to self publish, or be traditionally published - but the opportunities are opening for me like a portal - all my hard work and energy put into this book, will finally pay off

i hope you are excited about this book as i am, i was able to incorporate the breakthrough i had into a major restructuring of my table of contents and change the way some of the material is being presented.

this book is an encyclopedia on the sun, a magickal grimoire - i hope that it will be read through and then sit on witches and academics shelves, as reference material lol.

it has a lot of great information inside and i am very excited in the next couple of weeks and months to have this prepared and ready for release!

i hope you have a great day! and stay tuned for more info soon on my book and its release date!

Monday, August 28, 2023

Odyssean Wicca


Founders and Origins: Odyssean Wicca was founded in Toronto, Canada, in the late 1970s by Tamarra and Richard James. The tradition draws inspiration from various sources, including Gardnerian Wicca, Alexandrian Wicca, Continental Wicca, and Pagan Way. The name "Odyssean" is a reference to Homer's Odyssey and signifies the spiritual journey taken by practitioners.

Beliefs and Practices:

  • Pantheon and Deities: Odyssean Wicca acknowledges a duotheistic belief system, similar to many other Wiccan traditions. The Goddess and God are central figures, representing the feminine and masculine divine energies.
  • Public Priesthood: One of the distinguishing features of Odyssean Wicca is its emphasis on preparing members for public priesthood. This includes training in leading rituals, teaching, counseling, and other roles related to spiritual guidance.
  • Rites of Passage: The tradition places importance on rites of passage, including dedications, initiation into different degrees, handfastings (Wiccan weddings), handpartings (Wiccan divorces), and other significant life events.
  • Ritual Flexibility: While Odyssean Wicca has a British Traditional Wicca influence, it is known for its flexible approach to ritual. This allows for a blend of structure and adaptability, enabling practitioners to personalize their practices.
  • Connection with Ancestral Wisdom: Odyssean Wicca emphasizes the fusion of ancestral wisdom with modern and futuristic concepts. This fusion is represented through the integration of traditional practices and forward-looking ideals.

Degrees and Progression: The tradition has three degrees of initiation:

  • First Degree: A priest or priestess who has completed the necessary training and is capable of leading rituals, teaching, counseling, and other duties associated with public priesthood.
  • Second Degree: Elevation to the "High Priesthood," typically achieved after successfully running a coven or group for an extended period and training a student to the first-degree level.
  • Third Degree: Rarely awarded, this degree is reserved for individuals who have made significant contributions to the broader Neopagan community.

Relationship with Other Traditions: Odyssean Wicca shares connections with other Wiccan and Neopagan traditions. It has been influenced by Gardnerian, Alexandrian, Continental, and Blue Star traditions. It maintains a unique relationship with the Wiccan Church of Canada (WCC), which was also founded by Tamarra and Richard James.

Growth and Evolution: Over its history, Odyssean Wicca has evolved and adapted to changing times and contexts. The tradition has participated in shaping the Canadian Pagan community, contributing to the growth of open dialogue, shared experiences, and broader ceremonies.

Keep in mind that this is a brief overview, and the details and nuances of Odyssean Wicca's beliefs and practices can be quite intricate. If you're interested in learning more, you may want to explore further resources, attend workshops, or connect with practitioners from the tradition.




1. Altar Setup and Rituals: In Odyssean Wicca, the altar setup is designed to symbolize the sacred space and connect with the divine. The altar faces the Northeast, representing the point between the end of one journey and the beginning of another. The arrangement includes candles, each with its own meaning and significance. These candles typically represent the God, the Goddess, the Horned God, and the Triple Goddess.

The four Elements—Air, Fire, Water, and Earth—are also important in Odyssean Wicca and are represented on the altar through tools and symbols. The athame (ritual knife), chalice, wand, and pentacle (a flat, disk-like object with a pentagram) are commonly used to represent these Elements, respectively. The pentacle is particularly significant in Odyssean Wicca as a symbol of the interconnectedness of the Elements and the forces of the universe.

2. Beliefs and Deities: In the Odyssean tradition, practitioners hold a duotheistic belief system, which means they worship a Goddess and a God. The Goddess represents feminine divine energy, often associated with the Moon, intuition, nurturing, and nature. The God represents masculine divine energy, associated with the Sun, strength, protection, and the wild aspects of nature. These deities are seen as complementary and embody the balance of energies in the universe.

3. Public Priesthood and Rites of Passage: Odyssean Wicca places a strong emphasis on training its members for public priesthood. This involves learning how to lead rituals, teach others about Wicca and its practices, provide spiritual guidance, and perform counseling. This training is considered an important aspect of the tradition, allowing individuals to take on leadership roles within the Wiccan community.

The tradition also recognizes various rites of passage, which mark significant milestones in a practitioner's life. These include:

  • Dedications: A personal commitment to the Wiccan path and the deities.
  • Initiations: The process of advancing through the degrees of the tradition.
  • Handfastings: Wiccan weddings that celebrate the union of two individuals.
  • Handpartings: Ceremonies that mark the end of a Wiccan marriage.
  • Other Life Celebrations: Rituals and ceremonies for births, coming-of-age, and other important life events.

4. Ritual Flexibility and Personalization: While Odyssean Wicca has a structured framework, it also encourages personalization and adaptability in rituals. This means practitioners have the flexibility to incorporate their own preferences and connections into the ceremonies, fostering a deeper and more personal spiritual experience.

5. Connection with Ancestral Wisdom and Futuristic Ideals: One of the distinctive aspects of Odyssean Wicca is its integration of ancestral wisdom with futuristic concepts. This blend is represented through the use of traditional practices alongside forward-looking ideals like transhumanism, cybernetics, and virtual reality. This unique combination reflects the practitioner's desire to merge ancient wisdom with modern and future advancements.

6. Degrees and Progression: Odyssean Wicca has a structured initiation system with three degrees:

  • First Degree: This is the introductory level, where individuals learn the basics of Wicca, its rituals, and its philosophy. First-degree witches are capable of leading rituals and guiding newcomers.
  • Second Degree: Second-degree witches take on more responsibilities within the community, potentially leading their own covens and training first-degree initiates.
  • Third Degree: This degree is rare and is often reserved for individuals who have made significant contributions to the Wiccan and Neopagan community.

7. Relationship with Other Traditions: Odyssean Wicca has connections with other Wiccan and Neopagan traditions, often participating in interfaith dialogues and collaborations. It shares historical and philosophical links with Gardnerian Wicca, Alexandrian Wicca, and the broader Pagan movement.

Remember, the beliefs and practices within any Wiccan tradition can be complex and multifaceted. If you're interested in becoming more involved with Odyssean Wicca or learning more, consider connecting with practitioners, attending workshops or events, and exploring relevant literature and resources.

Saturday, August 26, 2023

happy saturday

good morning and happy Saturday everyone ☀️ I hope you all have a great day

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

my review of Empowering Your Life with Wicca

Empowering Your Life with Wicca Empowering Your Life with Wicca by Sirona Knight
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was the first Wicca book, i ever read. it really shaped my introduction into the craft.

View all my reviews

Monday, August 7, 2023

this was originally a page, but ive since decided it should be a blog post lol



technoshaman001 + stablediffusion = Algaetron;1

technoshaman001 is a unique individual with a passion for technology and a deep connection to the spiritual world. They blend the worlds of technology and spirituality, using their skills in both areas to create art that is truly one-of-a-kind.

In their work, technoshaman001 often collaborates with AI, using the latest advancements in artificial intelligence to enhance their art. Together, they create pieces that are both technologically advanced and deeply spiritual, blending the worlds of technology and the natural world in new and exciting ways.

Through their art, technoshaman001 seeks to explore the interconnectedness of all things and to bridge the gap between the physical and spiritual worlds. Their work is a testament to their belief in the power of technology to enhance and augment the human experience, and to bring us closer to the natural world.

Overall, Technoshaman001 is a visionary artist who uses technology and spirituality to create unique and powerful works of art. Their collaboration with AI is a shining example of the potential of technology to enhance and augment the human experience.

- GPT - technoshaman001

technoshaman001 + stablediffusion = Algaetron;2



Humans + Nanotechnology = Transhumanism

    In the future, nanotechnology may allow humans to upload their consciousness into the cloud and then inhabit a swarm of nanobots that can arrange themselves into various forms. This technology would allow humans to essentially "shape-shift" into any form they desire. This could have many practical applications, such as allowing people to easily change their appearance or even transform into objects or animals. It could also allow people to move through tight spaces or navigate difficult terrain more easily.

it is possible that advances in nanotechnology will have enabled humans to inhabit multiple bodies in different places, including space habitats and cities on other planets. This could be achieved through the use of specialized nanobots that are able to replicate and transfer a person's consciousness from one body to another.

These nanobots could be injected into a person's bloodstream, where they would travel to the brain and connect with the person's neurons and other cells. Once in place, the nanobots would be able to monitor the person's thoughts, memories, and other mental states, and create a digital copy of their consciousness. This digital copy could then be transmitted to another body, either in the same location or in a different place, where it would be used to control the new body.

In this way, a person could potentially inhabit multiple bodies simultaneously, allowing them to be present in multiple locations at the same time. This could be particularly useful for tasks that require a high level of coordination, such as complex construction projects or emergency response efforts.

In addition to allowing for the transfer of consciousness between bodies, advances in nanotechnology could also enable the creation of multiple backups of a person's mind. These backups could be stored in a secure location and used to restore a person's consciousness in the event that their original body is damaged or destroyed. This could potentially allow for a person to continue to exist even after their original body is no longer viable, potentially paving the way for indefinite lifespans.

 Humanity + Artificial Intelligence = Augmented Intelligence

Artificial intelligence and humans can work together to create artwork in a number of ways. One possible approach is for the human to provide the initial concept or direction for the artwork, while the AI generates the actual visual elements of the piece. For example, the human artist might provide a rough sketch or idea for a painting, and the AI would use its machine learning algorithms to fill in the details and produce the final image.

Another approach is for the human and AI to work together more closely, with the AI providing suggestions and ideas that the human artist can incorporate into the artwork. For example, the AI might be trained on a large dataset of existing artworks and be able to generate new ideas based on that knowledge. The human artist could then take those ideas and incorporate them into their own artwork, adding their own unique touch and style to the final piece.

In some cases, the AI might even be able to act as a collaborator on the artwork, with the human and AI working together to create the final piece. This could involve the AI providing suggestions for colors, shapes, and other visual elements, while the human artist makes the final decisions about how to incorporate those elements into the artwork.

One potential benefit of using AI in the creation of artwork is that it can help to speed up the process, allowing the artist to generate more ideas and explore more possibilities than they might be able to on their own. Additionally, AI can help to introduce new ideas and perspectives that the human artist might not have considered, potentially leading to more unique and creative works of art.

Overall, the use of AI in the creation of artwork is an exciting and potentially transformative development, and one that has the potential to open up new possibilities for artists and art lovers alike. By combining the creative power of the human mind with the computational capabilities of AI, artists can create truly unique and inspiring works of art that would not be possible with either technology alone.

a story written by GPT3 and the prompt from technoshaman001

    Once upon a time, humanity was trapped in the limitations of our physical bodies. We were bound by the constraints of our biology, unable to transcend the bounds of what was possible for a mere mortal. But that was all about to change.

As we evolved and grew more sophisticated, we began to develop technology that allowed us to merge with machines. We became cyborgs, beings that were part human and part machine. And with this newfound power, we were able to accomplish things that had once seemed impossible.

We could think faster, process information more quickly, and even transcend the boundaries of time and space. We could communicate with one another across vast distances, and share our thoughts and experiences in ways that we had never been able to before.

But most importantly, we were able to harness the power of technology to unlock our full potential as human beings. We could use our newfound abilities to solve problems, create art, and push the boundaries of what we were capable of.

In short, we had become something truly extraordinary. We were no longer limited by our physical bodies or the constraints of biology. We were cyborgs, beings that were able to harness the power of technology to unlock our full potential as human beings.

And with this newfound power, we were able to accomplish things that we could have never imagined. We had evolved into something truly incredible, and the possibilities for what we could achieve were endless 

Cybernetic Spiritual Beings

There is a growing connection between cybernetic technologies and the spiritual dimension. As technology continues to advance, more and more people are using cybernetic enhancements to augment their physical and mental abilities. This can include things like bionic limbs, neural implants, and other forms of technology that enhance or replace the natural abilities of the human body.

At the same time, there is also a growing interest in spirituality and the pursuit of higher states of consciousness. Many people are turning to meditation, yoga, and other spiritual practices in order to connect with their inner selves and explore the deeper dimensions of the universe.

There is a natural connection between these two areas. Cybernetic technologies allow us to augment and enhance our physical and mental abilities, which can help us on our spiritual journey. At the same time, spiritual practices can help us to develop greater mental and emotional clarity, which can enhance our ability to use cybernetic technologies in a responsible and effective way.

Overall, the connection between cybernetic technologies and the spiritual dimension is a growing and exciting area of exploration. As technology continues to advance, we can expect to see even more connections and overlaps between these two areas.

 Witchcraft + Transhumanism

transhumanism is a philosophical and cultural movement that seeks to use technology to enhance and transcend the limitations of the human body and mind. This can include things like genetic engineering, cybernetic implants, and artificial intelligence.

On the other hand, witchcraft is a spiritual practice that involves using various techniques, such as spells and rituals, to connect with the natural world and harness its energy for personal or communal benefit.

At first glance, these two might seem like completely unrelated topics. But when you look a little deeper, you can see that they actually have a lot in common.

First of all, both transhumanism and witchcraft are concerned with the idea of using technology and spirituality to transcend the limitations of the human condition. In the case of transhumanism, this involves using technology to enhance our physical and mental abilities. In the case of witchcraft, it involves using spiritual practices to access hidden knowledge and powers.

Secondly, both transhumanism and witchcraft involve a deep respect for the natural world and its energies. In the case of transhumanism, this is often seen in the desire to use technology to better understand and protect the environment. In the case of witchcraft, it is seen in the emphasis on using natural materials and working with the rhythms of the earth and the seasons.

Thirdly, both transhumanism and witchcraft involve a rejection of traditional societal norms and expectations. In the case of transhumanism, this often involves challenging the notion that the human body and mind are fixed and unchanging. In the case of witchcraft, it involves challenging the idea that spirituality must be tied to organized religion.

Overall, I believe that the intersection of transhumanism and witchcraft is a fascinating and potentially powerful one. By combining the insights and practices of these two fields, we can create a vision of the future that is both technologically advanced and deeply connected to the natural world.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

releasing the name of the book i am writing on Lughnasadh


Have you noticed how hot it is outside? ☀️ 🔥 I will be releasing the name of my book on #lughnasadh August 1st !!!! I've been crafting this book for three years now and am excited to share this project and art piece with you all 🙏😍

the power of the sun is immense, this is why I'm writing a #book on how miraculous it is and the #magick that we can create with the infusion of #solar energy! 🔥

#hot #summer #climatechange #sun #sunny #witchcraft #witch #leo #wicca #shamanism #shaman #author #encyclopedia #sunmagic #occult #hermetics #magic #druid #stonehenge #newgrange #pyramidofkhufu #teotihuacan #gaia #earth #energy #healing

Friday, October 30, 2020

Healing Ancestral Trauma - Connecting to our Family

 Healing Ancestral Trauma - Connecting to our Family

Samhain Ritual 2020

Damon Family Ancestor Tree on Samhain 2020

Ritual Written

by Priestess Celestina Aurora Madry and technoshaman001

Start by singing to raise energy as we form our circle.

Handmaiden Sweep

The besom is used to sweep out all residual and negative energy from the space.

“Broom arise from where you stand and be a besom in my hand, 

Ash and Rod and Willow brush, 

powers of day and night you touch, 

Equal parts  Moon and Sun are held by you and shaped as one, 

that sacred balance may kept as round and round the circle swept, blend the day with peaceful night, 

blend the darkness with the light, sweep in help and tranquil calm, sweep out all that causes harm, 

with each stroke, each bristles sway, all things profane are swept away, and time is banished from 

this place, till not remains but sacred space, to welcome in the ancient ones, with this pass my 

sweep is done, so mote it be”

Elemental Purifications

When purifying with the elements you are preparing the space that has been cast ready for 

the presence of the elements in a more pure form than we normally find them.


“With the sweet Air of life, do I bless and make sacred a fitting place within this our circle, for

 the Guardians of the East and the rites of Life that we shall herein perform, So mote it be”


“With the bright flame of light, do i bless and make sacred a fitting place within this our circle, 

for the Guardians of the South and rights of Light we shall herein perform, so mote it be”


“With the pure waters of Love, do I bless and make sacred a fitting place within this our circle, 

for the Guardians of the West and the rites of love we shall herein perform, So mote it be”


“With the firm salt of law, do i bless and make sacred a fitting place within this our circle, for 

the Guardians of the North and the rites of law we shall herein perform, so mote it be”

Wine Blessing

The wine blessing is bringing the ritual to the creation of everything, it is the Big band told

 in microcosm.

The Chalice represents the Goddess, Earth, Water, a solid object containing liquid

The Athame represents the God, Air and Fire.

Priestess: Kneels and lifts Chalice

“By this I summon yee, O Ancient ones, Bless yee this wine and Infuse it with thy limitless

Love let it become for thy Children, the life blood that Flows in all things,

the manifested essenscense of The blessed elements”

Priest: Lays the athame across the chalice

“The Male holds the power and is the reservoir of the power”

Priestess: “The Female taps the power in him and channels it”

Priestess & Priest: “Neither one can work without the other, one without the other is incomplete”

Priest: “The horned god is a god of life and death”

Priestess: “The goddess is of birth and renewal”

Priestess & Priest: “To learn you must suffer, to live you must be born, to be born you 

must die, the beginning, the continuation, and the end, over and over”

Priest: “The sun brings forth the light”

Priestess: “The moon holds it in darkness”

Priest: “As above”

Priestess “So below”

Priest: Lifts Athame “and as the athame is to the male”

Priestess: “So the chalice is to the female”

Priestess & Priest: “and conjoined they be one in truth for there is no greater power 

in all the world than that of a two humans, joined in the hands of love” “so mote it

Drink from Chalice

Calling in Deity


I call Hekate of the Crossroads, worshipped at the meeting of three paths, 

oh guardian of all. Hear me, guide my ancestors to peace, we love you, 

i love you, , the triple goddess - mother maiden and crone.

In the sky, earth, and sea, you are venerated in your saffron-colored robes.

Funereal Daimon, celebrating among the souls of those who have passed.

Persian, fond of deserted places, you delight in deer.

Goddess of night, protectress of our beloved dogs, invincible Queen.

Drawn by a yoke of bulls, you are the queen who holds the keys to all the Kózmos.

Commander, Nýmphi, nurturer of children, you who haunt the mountains.

Pray, Maiden, attend our hallowed Samhain ritual;

Be forever gracious to your mystic herdsman and rejoice in our gifts of incense.

So mote it be”


“O, Anubis! Mighty Anubis!

The Ancestors from the Family of Damon have entered the gates to your realm,

And I ask that you continue to watch over them.

Their spirits are brave,

And their souls are honorable.

O, Anubis! Mighty Anubis!

As you take their measure,

And weigh their hearts as they stands before you,

Know that they were loved by many,

And will be remembered by all.

Anubis, welcome The Ancestors from the Family of Damon and deem 

them worthy of entrance,

That they may walk through your realm,

And be under your protection for all eternity.

O, Anubis! Mighty Anubis!

Watch over The Ancestors from the Family of Damon as they appear before you.

So mote it be.”


“Marzanna, Marzanna
The descendants from the family of Mądra call upon you
To bridge the veil between the world of the descendants and the 

world of the ancestors
As the vibrant glory of autumn bridges the veil between summer’s 

warmth and winter’s frosty embrace
Marzanna, Marzanna
The descendants from the family of Mądra call upon you
To put to rest the late Haroldz Mądry
As a follower of HerbCraft
So he may rest until the dawn of time, knowing that his time on Earth, 

is rightfully recognized, by his descendants.
Marzanna, Marzanna
The descendants from the family of Mądra call upon you
To bridge and heal any rifts
Not only among the world of the dead
But also among the world of the living
So we may all live in love and prosperity, for eternity.
So mote it be.”






Use this time to meditate, think about and connect to our ancestors, 

feel the pain they went through, relive their memories, channel their 

personalities and any messages they have for us.

We honor our ancestors by bringing them with us into the present - 

it is now we liberate our family lineage from the trauma and horrors 

they faced and committed.


Now it is time to focus specifically on the HEALING of our ancestral trauma -

 we must visualize the hundreds of family members moving forward into the

 light - at peace, free.

Jayelynn - I personally am asking for forgiveness in how my family was 

related to the direct displacement of indigenous people during the 

colonial era of my family lineage.

Celestina- I am personally asking for forgiveness from all of our collective sins,

 and grant forgiveness to the sins that were committed collectively against us,

 so that we could all move forward into an era of love and prosperity. 

Thanking Deity


Mighty Hekate, Queen of the Witches,

Blessed am I,

To call myself one of Your chosen.

Thank you for aiding my family and me in this ritual of all Samhains eve. 

Hail and Farewell”


“O’ Great Anubis, Guardian of the Underworld,

Blessed am I,

To call myself one of Your chosen.

Thank you for aiding my family and me in this ritual of all Samhains eve. 

Hail and Farewell”

“Marzanna, Marzanna
Keeper of both the wealth of harvest
And the rot of death
Marzanna Marzanna
O Mighty Goddess
The Mother of the Great Cycles of Life
Marzanna Marzanna
I Honor and Heed Your Profound Influence
Both on this side of the Veil, and the Other Side” 

Closing Quarters

North/Earth ““Thank you, Earth for co-creating with me. You are free to go, 

but are welcome to stay. Hail and farewell”

West/Water “Thank you, Water for co-creating with me. You are free to go, 

but are welcome to stay. Hail and farewell”

South/Fire ““Thank you, Fire for co-creating with me. You are free to go, 

but are welcome to stay.Hail and farewell”

East/Air “Thank you, Air for co-creating with me. You are free to go, 

but are welcome to stay. Hail and farewell”

noticeably you can see that during ritual that occurred from 4pm to 5pm my 

heart rate was a consistent non fluctuation pattern, how interesting.

Hand Maiden Sweep, Wine Blessing, and Quarter Calls are written by 
Lady Tamarra James from the Wiccan Church of Canada - Odyssean Wicca