
Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Santa Claus and the Aminita Muscaria Mushroom

 by GPT3 + technoshaman001

Once upon a time, in a far-off land at the North Pole, there lived a jolly old man named Santa Claus. Santa was known for his love of children and his magical ability to produce toys for good boys and girls all around the world.

But what most people didn't know was that Santa had a secret weapon in his toy-making arsenal: a group of mysterious and mischievous elves who were able to create toys that were unlike any others. These elves were known as the DMT elves, and they had the ability to tap into the power of a mysterious substance called DMT, or dimethyltryptamine.

The DMT elves were able to use this substance to access a higher dimension, where they were able to create toys that were unlike anything anyone had ever seen before. These toys were made from a shimmering, otherworldly material that seemed to defy the laws of physics. They were able to change shape and color at will, and they seemed to possess a life and intelligence of their own.

The DMT elves were a closely guarded secret, known only to Santa and a few select others. But as word of these amazing toys began to spread, people from all over the world began to wonder about the magic behind them.

It was said that the DMT elves received their powers from a special type of mushroom called the amanita muscaria. These mushrooms were known for their red and white colors, which were said to symbolize the magic and mystery of the DMT elves.

The amanita muscaria mushrooms were known to have special properties that allowed Santa's reindeer to fly, and it was said that they were able to communicate with the DMT elves in a way that no one else could.

And so, the legend of Santa Claus and his magical DMT elves lived on, spreading joy and wonder to children all around the world. And though the true nature of the DMT elves remained a mystery, it was clear that their magic was a force for good, bringing happiness and wonder to all who encountered it.

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Saturday, December 17, 2022

cybernetic pygmy people will save the earth


It is a time of great change and innovation, as the ancient wisdom of the rainforest pygmy people combines with the cutting-edge technology of cybernetics to unlock a new level of understanding about the importance of the environment. 
The pygmy people, who have lived in harmony with nature for centuries, have always understood the interconnectedness of all living things and the vital role that the rainforest plays in the health of the planet. They have passed down their spiritual teachings and practices through generations, sharing their deep reverence for the natural world and their belief that all living beings are connected. 
Now, with the help of cybernetic technology, the pygmy people are able to share their insights and understanding with a wider audience. By using cybernetic implants, the pygmies are able to connect with each other and with the natural world in ways that were previously unimaginable. Through this connection, the pygmies are able to share their knowledge and experiences with others, helping to spread their message of environmental stewardship and respect for the planet.
And as more and more people learn about the vital role that the rainforest plays in the health of the planet, they are inspired to take action to protect it. As the pygmy people's message of environmental empowerment spreads, it touches the hearts and minds of people around the globe. Together, we can work to preserve and protect the rainforest and all of the unique and diverse life it supports, ensuring a healthy and sustainable future for all.
images by Midjourney AI and me vision of the future by GPT3 and me

Friday, December 16, 2022

why civil disobedience is important for cultural evolution

 Civil disobedience is the active, conscious refusal to comply with certain laws, demands, and commands of a government or occupying power, without resorting to physical violence. It is typically motivated by a desire to bring about political, social, or moral change and is often associated with the pursuit of justice and equality.  

There are several reasons why civil disobedience may be considered necessary for cultural evolution:     

 Injustice: Civil disobedience can be a means of protesting and resisting injustice, such as laws that are discriminatory or oppressive. By refusing to comply with these laws, individuals and groups can draw attention to the unfairness of the situation and demand change.    

 Democracy: Civil disobedience can be seen as a way to hold governments accountable and to protect and promote democratic values. By participating in peaceful resistance, individuals can exert influence on their representatives and demand greater transparency and accountability from those in power.      

Moral conscience: Civil disobedience can be a way for individuals to express their moral conscience and stand up for what they believe in, even if it goes against the law. This can be especially important when the laws or policies of a government conflict with an individual's personal values or beliefs. 

 Change: Civil disobedience can be a powerful tool for bringing about change and evolution in society. By refusing to comply with unjust laws or policies, individuals and groups can put pressure on the government to make changes and can create a sense of solidarity and momentum for social movements. 

 It's important to note that civil disobedience is not the same as anarchism or lawlessness. It is a conscious, peaceful form of resistance that is carried out with the intention of bringing about positive change, rather than causing chaos or destruction.- GPT3

Moon Phase code by GPT3


Here is a simple code that can be used to determine the current moon phase:

import datetime

def get_moon_phase():
    # Get the current date and time
    now =
    # Calculate the moon phase using the current date and time
    # This calculation is based on the formulas provided by the
    # United States Naval Observatory
    # (
    age_days = now - datetime.datetime(2001, 1, 1)
    lunations = age_days.days / 29.530588853
    phase = lunations - int(lunations)
    if phase < 0.5:
        return "New Moon"
    elif phase < 0.53:
        return "Waxing Crescent"
    elif phase < 0.75:
        return "First Quarter"
    elif phase < 0.78:
        return "Waxing Gibbous"
    elif phase < 0.99:
        return "Full Moon"
        return "Waning Gibbous"

# Example usage:

This code uses the current date and time to calculate the moon phase, and returns the phase as a string (e.g. "Full Moon"). The calculation is based on the formulas provided by the United States Naval Observatory.

To use this code, you can simply call the get_moon_phase() function, which will return the current moon phase. You can then display the moon phase to the user or use it in other parts of your code as needed.