
Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Monica Elle Rose does a shoutout on Twitch for my book! Sun Circle: a magickal solar grimoire

longtime friend Monica Elle Rose, does a shoutout for my book Sun Circle: a magickal solar grimoire

Thursday, November 16, 2023

translation copies of my book

 I will be releasing my book in multiple formatted languages such and French and Spanish, with plans to expand to others. Especially indigenous languages. I would love to have my book printed in Inuit and Cree and Ojibway.

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Sun Circle: a magickal solar grimoire by J. R. Damon - technoshaman001 | my book is available now!

I made this promotional video for my book Sun Circle: a magickal solar grimoire by technoshaman001 - J. R. Damon