
Friday, September 22, 2023

If you are new here....

 Please bookmark this page, and come back often! I am constantly updating this blog, adding new content - including retroactively. this space is an ongoing work in progess and is still not to where I want it to be!

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happy friday night, and blessed be )0(

Jumpy boi poisons and eats a Moth | Jumping Spider | Moth | Arachnid | Arkansas | Gaia

Jumping Spider attacks a moth

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Update on Sun Circle, the book I am writing!

greetings friends and family!

 i had a breakthrough with my book that i am writing! it has me really excited to publish this book ive worked so hard on!

J. R. Damon September 2023

i am still yet to decide on if i want to self publish, or be traditionally published - but the opportunities are opening for me like a portal - all my hard work and energy put into this book, will finally pay off

i hope you are excited about this book as i am, i was able to incorporate the breakthrough i had into a major restructuring of my table of contents and change the way some of the material is being presented.

this book is an encyclopedia on the sun, a magickal grimoire - i hope that it will be read through and then sit on witches and academics shelves, as reference material lol.

it has a lot of great information inside and i am very excited in the next couple of weeks and months to have this prepared and ready for release!

i hope you have a great day! and stay tuned for more info soon on my book and its release date!