
Monday, October 26, 2020

"the transhumanist body project, bodies that belong to virtual reality, to the matrix"



 "In the case of the transhumanists, the specter actualizes itself into reality through the relentless influence of an ultra sophisticated Christian theology on the moderns, which are the bodies of the resurrected in Jesus Christ. The bodies of the resurrected are thought as “bodies of light” whose functions are the purification and progressive abandonment of human animality. In Christianpolis the bodies of light have their digestive system’s functions minimized, since eating, digesting and shitting display a nonsense animality towards the kingdom of heaven, where the great goal is to praise the glory of God. These are bodies characterized as liable, subtle, agile and light. They are resurrected bodies, which become the parameter for the transhumanist body project, bodies that belong to virtual reality, to the matrix, bodies that will have nanorobots in their blood cells in order to count, among other things, the exact nutritional requirements that sustain them. The project predicts these nanorobots are responsible for the reduction of the digestive system’s operability,which possess the function of erasing the characteristics of a previous grotesque animality, and slowly approximate the transhumanists to the resurrected bodies’ ideal: sublime and angelical14.Procedurally a theological fiction materializes itself in the concreteness of scientific and technological projects."

FREE COSMOGONY — “D.I.Y. RITUALS” by Fabiane M. Borges Translated by João de Deus