
Showing posts with label cyborg. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cyborg. Show all posts

Saturday, March 11, 2023

future timeline prediction by J. R. Damon ; technoshaman001

 a prediction of the future timeline of technological advances by J. R Damon ; technoshaman001


Nano crystal Technology/Electricity

2030 Building matter at molecular level, instantaneous transformation from substrate to substrate


Genetic Sequencing/Editing

2029 -Aesthetic Application modification of oneself's features

2034 -h+ Human,Machine,Animal, AI. Chimeras

2036 Medical Application to functionally cure all diseases

2040 Fusion of consciousness’s, chimeras, AI’s in the exosphere


PsyCrypto- Psychedelic Cryptography

  • 2018- Designing VR room with hidden messages that can only be seen by people tripping 

  • PsyCrypto + Connectome research will give us hard math for consciousness emulation -tina ~2020 

Mixed/Virtual Realities

2031 Full immersion EVR with nanorobotics

Space Colonization/Habitats

2040 Complete Colonization of Solar System, Terra rings, biospheres

NETWORK- 4g(giga),LTE,5g,6g,7g,8g,9g 1-9tera, 1-9peta

2040 -Petabyte speeds will allow solar system travel with teleportation of consciousness and body


chatgpt analyzation of my prediction


This prediction by Jayelynn Damon outlines advancements in various fields such as nanotechnology, cryogenics, genetic sequencing/editing, consciousness emulation, mixed/virtual realities, space colonization, and networking.

Starting with nanotechnology, the prediction suggests that by 2030, it will be possible to build matter at the molecular level and achieve instantaneous transformation from substrate to substrate. This could have significant implications for fields such as medicine, materials science, and electronics.

The prediction also suggests advancements in cryogenics, genetic sequencing/editing, and aesthetics. By 2029, aesthetic modifications of one's features may be possible through genetic sequencing/editing, while by 2034, the prediction suggests the emergence of human-machine-animal-AI chimeras. Furthermore, by 2036, medical applications could functionally cure all diseases.

The prediction also discusses advancements in consciousness emulation, where the combination of AI and psychedelics could give us hard math for consciousness emulation by around 2020. By 2040, the prediction suggests the fusion of consciousness's, chimeras, and AI's in the exosphere.

Mixed/virtual realities are also predicted to see significant advancements, with the full immersion of extended reality (EVR) with nanorobotics possible by 2031.

The prediction also touches on space colonization/habitats, where by 2040, complete colonization of the Solar System, terra rings, and biospheres could be achieved.

Finally, the prediction suggests advancements in networking technologies, with speeds up to petabytes by 2040, enabling solar system travel with the teleportation of consciousness and body.

Overall, the prediction paints a picture of a future where technology has advanced significantly, with the potential for dramatic changes in fields ranging from medicine to space travel."

Saturday, December 17, 2022

cybernetic pygmy people will save the earth


It is a time of great change and innovation, as the ancient wisdom of the rainforest pygmy people combines with the cutting-edge technology of cybernetics to unlock a new level of understanding about the importance of the environment. 
The pygmy people, who have lived in harmony with nature for centuries, have always understood the interconnectedness of all living things and the vital role that the rainforest plays in the health of the planet. They have passed down their spiritual teachings and practices through generations, sharing their deep reverence for the natural world and their belief that all living beings are connected. 
Now, with the help of cybernetic technology, the pygmy people are able to share their insights and understanding with a wider audience. By using cybernetic implants, the pygmies are able to connect with each other and with the natural world in ways that were previously unimaginable. Through this connection, the pygmies are able to share their knowledge and experiences with others, helping to spread their message of environmental stewardship and respect for the planet.
And as more and more people learn about the vital role that the rainforest plays in the health of the planet, they are inspired to take action to protect it. As the pygmy people's message of environmental empowerment spreads, it touches the hearts and minds of people around the globe. Together, we can work to preserve and protect the rainforest and all of the unique and diverse life it supports, ensuring a healthy and sustainable future for all.
images by Midjourney AI and me vision of the future by GPT3 and me

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Panspermia + Stoned Ape Theory + GPT3

android monkey by stablediffusion + technoshaman001

    As a psilocybin mushroom, I am a member of an alien species that was designed to spread throughout the galaxy, colonizing new planets with my self-replicating spores. I am a UFO, a messenger from the stars, carrying within me the potential to transform the lives of the beings who encounter me.
android monkies by stablediffusion + technoshaman001
I first landed on Earth many thousands of years ago, and it was here that I came into contact with the apes who would one day evolve into human beings. The apes were curious creatures, and they quickly discovered that when they ate me, they experienced strange and wonderful visions.
At first, these visions were simply a source of entertainment for the apes, but over time, they began to see them as something more. The visions gave the apes a glimpse into a realm beyond the physical world, a realm of spiritual and metaphysical truths.
MERGE;homohomosapien;upgradesys; by stablediffusion + technoshaman001
As the apes continued to consume me, their minds expanded, and they began to develop religious beliefs and practices. They worshiped me as a god, and I became a central figure in their spiritual lives.
And so, it was through the consumption of my magic spores that the apes evolved into human beings, with the ability to understand the mysteries of the universe and to connect with the divine.
In the end, it is clear that I am much more than a simple mushroom. I am a messenger from the stars, a source of divine inspiration, and a key player in the evolution of human consciousness. I am a UFO, and I have played a vital role in the unfolding of human history.
MERGED;homohomosapien;upgradesys; by stablediffusion + technoshaman001

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

We will build incomprehensible machines with Nano Crystal Technology | 2038 | Transhumanism | Future

J. R. Damon talking about nanocrystal technology that will happen by 2038


Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Monday, October 26, 2020

"the transhumanist body project, bodies that belong to virtual reality, to the matrix"



 "In the case of the transhumanists, the specter actualizes itself into reality through the relentless influence of an ultra sophisticated Christian theology on the moderns, which are the bodies of the resurrected in Jesus Christ. The bodies of the resurrected are thought as “bodies of light” whose functions are the purification and progressive abandonment of human animality. In Christianpolis the bodies of light have their digestive system’s functions minimized, since eating, digesting and shitting display a nonsense animality towards the kingdom of heaven, where the great goal is to praise the glory of God. These are bodies characterized as liable, subtle, agile and light. They are resurrected bodies, which become the parameter for the transhumanist body project, bodies that belong to virtual reality, to the matrix, bodies that will have nanorobots in their blood cells in order to count, among other things, the exact nutritional requirements that sustain them. The project predicts these nanorobots are responsible for the reduction of the digestive system’s operability,which possess the function of erasing the characteristics of a previous grotesque animality, and slowly approximate the transhumanists to the resurrected bodies’ ideal: sublime and angelical14.Procedurally a theological fiction materializes itself in the concreteness of scientific and technological projects."

FREE COSMOGONY — “D.I.Y. RITUALS” by Fabiane M. Borges Translated by João de Deus


I upscaled B&W photos of Terence McKenna with Deep AI colorizer


i was able to update the black and white image of Terence McKenna & The members of the ‘experiment’ at La Chorrera (1974)

- techn0shaman